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Lowdown on Lyme

Melissa DeLano

Clients dealing with hypersensitive skin issues and inflammatory illnesses seek me out for guidance on more natural skincare options to combat long-term symptoms and improve skin’s integrity and appearance. A common illness I see in clients is Lyme disease, which continues to impact more and more outdoorsy folks in Maine and across the United States each year. While Lyme is more common than ever before, it remains vastly underdiagnosed and difficult to treat. 

Whether someone is dealing with a chronic or temporary case, relieving the body of stress is critical to easing the painful symptoms that follow a Lyme diagnosis. Since antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat this inflammatory disease, using non-irritating products that supplement other medical treatments remains pivotal. Getting a facial, investing in gentle skin products, or detoxifying the body to increase circulation and eliminate toxins are all great options to ease Lyme symptoms. 

As a holistic practitioner, I carry specialty lines like Hale and Hush to treat severe and persistent skin difficulties using detoxifying treatments. These niche products used in tandem with hydrating facials or stress relieving practices can calm reactions and facilitate healing beyond the surface of your skin. From persistent symptoms to irregular flare-ups, the lingering effects of Lyme manifest differently from person to person. 

Depending on when the disease was caught, unpleasant symptoms like painful rashes, sensory issues, muscle weakness, joint issues, fatigue or even depression can plague people. Taking care of your skin, staying active, and incorporating practices that calm the skin barrier are all part of how I help facilitate healing. Gentle massage, hydrating facials, and dry brushing are all stress relieving solutions that increase skin circulation while promoting the release of toxins. 

These holistic practices are meant to enhance ongoing medical practices by moving lymph through the body to keep the bloodstream as clean as possible while easing suffering. My whole person approach to aesthetic arts and sensitive skin are rooted in restoring balance in my clients through natural treatments. I help reduce stress and inflammation in my clients lives by helping keep your skin barrier happy, healthy and healed through all stages of your aesthetics journey. 

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